Can Picafort, the new Ithaca of the Mediterranean; this is how Joan Bennàsardescribes his exhibition of sculptures ‘Puertos de Alga Marina’ placed along the Can Picafort coastline, located from the Plaza de Cervantes to the Son Bauló beach.
The Bennàsar cement women, represented in full length, half-length, or simply the head, are located in four different enclaves, forming groups that the artist titles El Deseo, El Ritual, El Tesoro, and La Herida.
The sculptures are located a few meters from the Aparthotel Dunes platja in Can Picafort
More information Tourist website of the municipality of Santa Margalida
Although when you arrive you find her poor, with nothing to give you. Ithaca has not deceived you. Wise as you have become, with so much experience and knowledge, you already understand what the Ithacas mean.
C. Cavafis